Understanding Tinnitus

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the medical term for the sensation of hearing sound in your ears when no external sound is present. It affects 50 million (nearly one in six) Americans. Most describe the sound as ringing, though others describe it as hissing, buzzing, whistling, roaring or chirping.

For some, tinnitus is mild or intermittent. For others, it’s severe and can have a profound impact on their quality of life. For everyone, finding tinnitus relief is important.

What causes tinnitus?

The exact physical cause of tinnitus is not known, but several sources can trigger it or make it worse, including: Loud noises and hearing loss – Exposure to loud noises can destroy the non-regenerative cilia (tiny hairs) in the cochlea, causing permanent tinnitus and/or hearing loss.


As you age, those same cilia gradually deteriorate, which can lead to tinnitus and/or hearing loss.

Ototoxic medications

Some prescription medications such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and antidepressants are harmful to the inner ear as well as the nerve fibers connecting the cochlea to the brain.

Hearing conditions

Disorders like otosclerosis and Ménière’s disease are known to cause tinnitus.

Health conditions

Tinnitus can also be a symptom of health conditions like cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stress and head injuries.

Did you know?

  • Up to 90% of people with tinnitus have some level of noise-induced hearing loss.1
  • 1 in 10 American adults have experienced tinnitus lasting at least five minutes in the past year.2
  • Tinnitus is the leading service-related disability among U.S. veterans.3

Is there a cure?

Currently, there is no known tinnitus cure. But according to the American Tinnitus Association, there are recommended ways to get relief, including counseling and sound therapy.

Proven tinnitus relief products are an effective part of any sound therapy. They utilize a customizable and comforting sound stimulus to soothe the annoying noises associated with tinnitus.

What should you do if you think you have tinnitus?

The first step is to visit a hearing healthcare professional for a clinical evaluation. Specialized tests are performed to diagnose tinnitus and different options can be discussed to find what is right for you.

Take our free online tinnitus test

To gain a better understanding of your tinnitus and get relief suggestions, take our quick and easy test.

Taylor Verba, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA, CH-TM

Doctor of Audiology, Certificate Holder – Tinnitus Management

Taylor Verba comes from the Appalachian region of Ohio along the Ohio River. She completed both her undergraduate and doctorate of audiology from Ohio University in Athens. Dr. Verba has worked in a variety of clinical settings including, the Pittsburgh Veterans Affairs, neurotology, and private practice. Dr. Verba is committed to providing excellent care and finding a personalized treatment for each patient, She takes time to build relationships with her patients and their families by listening to their stories and concerns.

Dr. Verba decided to pursue audiology since communication is what helped heal her grandfather after he suffered from a stroke and, as a result, lost his speech and hearing ability. She was able to be a part of the rehabilitation process with the use of devices and witness firsthand how empowering and life changing audiology can be.

Dr. Verba  specializes in tinnitus because it is a collaborative approach, very individualized treatment, and holistic practice. Tinnitus is common and affects a huge population of people. Every day, there are new opportunities to problem solve creatively and scientifically.

Dr. Verba and her family moved back to Ohio after exploring  Arizona for a few years. When she is not helping patients, she and her husband enjoy spending time with their new baby boy,  two cats and Great Dane, hiking, and watching Ohio football.

1Source: WebMD
2Source: National Institute on Deafness
3Source: American Tinnitus Association

To schedule an appointment, call 614-457-5848 while the online scheduling feature is updated on our website.